
How To Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks From Your Highlands Ranch Pet Sitter

July 2, 2018
by: admin
dog walker

Many dogs are startled from loud noises. The lawnmower, a vacuum, and even a hair dryer can cause some dogs anxiety. With the Fourth of July just a couple of days away, many pet parents are anxious themselves about how to handle their dog when the fireworks start. Tip number one: don’t be anxious!

Keep Calm And Grill On:

The more calm you are when the fireworks start, the more likely your pet will be calm. If you are scared or annoyed with fireworks, your pet may feed off your feelings. Your body language will tell your pet how to react.

Turn On The Radio:

Turning on the radio or TV will allow your pet to hear noises that are probably familiar and comforting. Many pet owners have turned on the TV to drown out the fireworks noise and say it has helped their pet.

Distract With Treats:

Toys and treats are very comforting for fearful pets. Dogs love a Kong ™ treat as they can lick peanut butter out of a Kong ™ for a while during fireworks. Bones, rawhides, and similar treats can offer the dog a longer distraction that just a chewable treat.

Keep Your Dog In His Comfort Zone:

Don’t push your dog to be “ok” with the fireworks. This will only make the noise worse for him and at this point you might be annoyed that your dog isn’t calm. Giving your dog space and not punishing him will allow your dog to stay in his comfort zone.

Use Calming Oils Or Other Products:

Lavender is very safe for dogs and can be used on their collar to calm them during fireworks and storms. Use 2-5 drops depending on the size of the dog directly on the collar to calm him or her during the fireworks. There are also soft natural chews that can help. The Thundercoat ™ also helps and needs to be put on the dog prior to the firework show.

Keep the doors secure!

Do NOT bring your dog outside if he or she doesn’t like fireworks and has a tendency to run away when he is scared. Secure your gates and home. The Fourth of July is the NUMBER ONE day/evening that dogs run away from home.

Remember: these tips only work if they are used before fireworks start! Not all of the suggestions will work on every dog.

Please try your best NOT to pick up your dog! They will relate the fireworks to you picking them up and will expect it everytime. They need to understand that the noise is not dangerous, just loud.

Please note: many experts have said that “soothing” your dog during storms/fireworks is counter-productive. This will make your dog think there is danger, when in reality there is not.

Is your dog scared of fireworks? What do you do? Feel free to comment!